True Blood 7.3 #TrueToTheEnd

True blood is back in the season that might need to be called everybody dies. We open this week with some folks doing yoga and listening to some in tune only with yourself kind of talk in Los Angeles, guess who shows up in that class of course? Sarah Newlin well that can’t be good.

Pam is trying to get Eric to fight, but he seems to be a broken Vamprie. After losing both Godric and Nora which he points out, and he also mentions Slyvie a name we haven’t heard before. That goes ito a flash back with 80’s hair in Fracne, oh the hair not so great but he is Eric so we like that. Nan is back in this flash back and there is a stand off between him and her and Pam. Always Eric.

Sookie is hightailing it off somewhere with Bill, not good and Alcide is not happy about it at all. He of course is a tracker and so he is following and tracking them trying to get to find out what is going on. We seem to be like Alcide having no idea what Sookie is up to, but it promises to be bad. Sam is having a crisis of faith in the church and the preacher sure has an interesting way to give a pep talk.

Meanwhile Sam has some issues of his own on the way home, the angry people with pitch forks meet him on the road and kill his Vampire. They say they have set another mayor of their own. Sam being Sam turns into an owl and leaves before they can kill him. Meanwhile Jason wants t have a baby with Violet, which is funny she cant have them. She of course slaps him down and reminds him that Men should be warriors and not girls. Andy and Jessica and his little girl show up so they can all go on the hunt for Sookie.

Meanwhile La La is getting his dance on in his house, you gotta love him even when the world is ending he has to have some fun. The man is fabulous. While La La’s vampire Jesses boyfriend comes knocking for some more weed. He mixes up some pills and offers his Vampire friends.

The crazy vampires at Fangtasia call Holly Harry Potter and need to go out and hunt again. You have to say they eat a lot, one says he has to eat every hour on the hour. We get a clue on what Sookie is up to it seems she might be on her way to Fangtasia to check things out but meanwhile her and Bill have conversations about love.
Andy and his group fall into the trap that Sam did. They are getting ready to go off and kill everyon else, with Hoyts Mom leading the pack she wants Jason and Jessica dead. She shoots Jessica and then sad for her Violet rips her heart out. Personally I am happy for it. I never liked that woman anyways. That of course gets everyone scattered.

Sookie it seems is sitting in the woods on purpose to bait the sick Vampires into coming and get her, while Bill sits up a tree. We get a flash back of Bill now while they talk about war. Back to the Civil war, a trouching scene with his family as they sit for a tin type before he leaves for war. We also get to meet a Fotenberry of the past the towns photographer, who took the two photos.

Willa gets herself uninvited from the reverends house. He does it as nice as possible probably the nicest we have ever seen on this show, because it isn’t her fault and she is nice too. La la and the cute boy get more into things after he wakes La La up having thought he was dead. It does not go as far as either would like though because he is loyal to Jessica even if they are having problems.

Back in the French flash back theres some issues. Eric really is just trying to get his groove on and another interruption. They have Pam to kill and they steal his human that he cares about. Who is it? Well it is the people who make True Blood they make Eric choose who dies, Pam or Slyvie. He tries to bribe them, they still make him choose. He offers for them to kill him, they refuse in the end he chooses to keep Pam alive as we know) and they kill the woman he loves which causes him to fall to his knees. They silver him then. Back in the modern day Pam asks if he got it on purpose he said no but he went about his humans in a devil may care way. Pam begs him to not give up that she will take care of him and not to make her watch him die. Eric says he has lost his taste for Oysters and that she is free to go. It would seem that Eric has watched to many loved ones die. As Pam is about to leave however she says the one thing that is sure to make Erics Viking side light up. She tells him Jason let Sarah Newlin live. He slowly stands to his considerable height and says, well lets go find her. Well hello there Eric. Cut to the same Japanese men who killed Erics lover Hunting down Newlin and killing her lover.

Sookies plan works though Bill gets over whelmed. Lucky for her everyone else moves in , Sam and Andy and Alcide they take out the pack of vampires. The downer is that Alcide is then shot and falls dead instantly. Jessica offers to change him for Sookie she says no. The season of everybody dies, stands. Tune in next week folks see who dies next.

Posted by on July 6, 2014. Filed under Images, TV. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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