Ghoulmaster’s Haunted Playhouse

Pete Carter aka Ghoulmaster is doing a Kickstarter to take his Six Flags Haunted Attraction style show on tour. With black lipstick, eyeliner, and showmanship, you can see in his video how he owns the stage. His heartfelt words, spoken from his gothic throne chair, are really nice. He wants his show to be family-friendly and reach out to all sorts of people who feel different. He even has a series of testimonials from fans who feel his Ghoulmaster performances gave them permission to be themselves. Last day countdown for his Ghoulmaster’s Haunted Playhouse Kickstarter now. Check it out for clothing, stage props, and more. Looks like he will make a darkly beautiful show, just like we like it.

Posted by on July 2, 2014. Filed under Make-up, Style Icons. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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  1. Pingback: Ghoulmaster Kickstarter | Blue Blood Magazine Gothic Punk Photos

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